528- Synthetic Abominations
Posted December 23, 2015 at 12:00 am

Hey everybody! New page is up!

Also, my set up is up and ready! If my computer keeps running this smoothly, the delays should stop. Now I can get the Kickstarter and Patreon stuff back on track too. We're currently in the process of getting the older pages in color, so please bear with us!

Man, to give you an idea of how slow my laptop was, it took 5-15 minutes to boot software. The new computer takes about a maximum 5 seconds. I'm so happy!

The new tablet rocks! I highly recommend the Yiynova MVP22U! There's so much room!

So the winter holidays are coming up. Are you guys excited? I'm looking forward to a little rest. I hope you all have fun!

Well, I gotta get going, see ya Friday with a new page!


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