515- Too messed up
Posted October 30, 2015 at 02:15 am

Hey everyone! New page! Sorry it's a bit late. Rats, I was on a roll there getting it up by midnight!

Hertz, don't you know drinking with a friend is always better? You're gonna be friends whether you admit it or not! :)

So man, guys, I LIKE PODCASTS! Lately, I've been listening to a lot of them, so I want to talk about IT! Are any of you familiar with the podcast Serial? I just relistened to the first season again. 

In case you don't know [copy pasted from]:

Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life, [also a REALLY good podcast] and is hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial tells one story - a true story - over the course of an entire season. Each season, we'll follow a plot and characters wherever they take us. And we won’t know what happens at the end until we get there, not long before you get there with us. Each week we bring you the next chapter in the story, so it's important to listen to the episodes in order, starting with Episode 1. 

The first season covers a case of a young girl Hae Min Lee who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed... or was she? The podcast features a nonbiased view of the case as Sarah Koenig interviews and researches as much as she can. I hate admitting it because it's an actual story of murder, but it's... interesting! It's even more interesting that the popularity of this podcast actually got people looking at  Adnan's case again. It's kind of strange this guy got convicted with so little evidence... but hey, what do we know?

There's also a follow up podcast about the case called Undisclosed and... man, I don't know! I'm at the edge of my seat about this. I highly recommend both podcasts if you haven't heard them yet. If the subject matter's too heavy for you, then try out My Brother My Brother and Me. Haha, it's completely unrelated to anything I've mentioned. It's just funny and lighthearted! It's a fake advice podcast [think like Dear Abby].

Here's a clip from one of my favorite MBMBAM questions. If this doesn't sell ya I don't know what will. [warning: contains adult language]


 If you end up liking MBMBAM, you can also check out Sawbones, which stars  Justin McElroy, one of the brothers of MBMBAM, and his wife Dr. Sydney McElroy. It's about medical history, sometimes funny, sometimes gross, all really fascinating! 

I'm also quite fond of You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes. It's hard to explain this one. It's usually pretty funny, but my favorite part about it is comedians being introspective. Sometimes it wears on me [there's only so long I can hear a person go on about themselves] but it's still a solid listen!

Do any of you like podcasts? Feel free to recommend some! 

But for now, I gotta get going! Got comics to get done!


Oh before I forget, new Cannon comics went up on Patreon!

Cannon comics are the $5+ Patron exclusive comics! The current Cannon comic is the LtH cast reimagined in a high school romance! 

New pages coming next week! 

Alrighty, that's all for now. You all have a great weekend!



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