341- Pay attention.
Posted November 5, 2013 at 05:00 pm

 Hey guys!  Finally a new page! [it's currently getting shaded, sorry for the delay]


This past weekend was fun! Sugoi-Con came and went and we met some new people, including some readers. I also met an anime legend, Shinichi Watanabe! [AKA Nabeshin]


I invited him to come to my table on Facebook, and hey, he showed up! He was very nice.  I gave him a little sketch, and he gave me some Nabeshin manga and a Nabeshin phone charm! 



Bad news though! My computer had some bad hardware issues, and it's the key reason why the comic didn't update yesterday! The other bad news was I seemed to have gotten bronchitis this weekend. I woke up Monday morning and felt like a truck hit me. >< bleh! I've been having trouble keeping myself awake, but I just drank some Emergen-C Immune+ so that should fix me right up.

What else...

Oh! My friends at Bittersweet Candy Bowl launched their third book kickstarter yesterday! They need some help funding, so please lend them a hand! They're really great people who always help me out and BCB is a great comic! 

 That's all for now! This comic will hit the web in color in a few hours, and you all get a new page tomorrow! Yay!

See ya then!






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